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Tara Oceans is an international expedition that took place from 2009 to 2012. A team of seven scientists traveled around the world in a 118 foot aluminium schooner with a five-person crew as part of Tara Expedition, an organisation that conducts surveys of marine ecosystems in order to learn more about climate change. Tara Oceans was the first attempt to perform a global study of planktonic and coral ecosystems, a vast environmental maze that covers almost the entire planet. The data collected during this mission will serve to “take the pulse” of the Earth because these microorganisms will project a vivid picture of the oceans' health. However, Tara Oceans has collected a colossal amount of samples that will take years to analyse. In our project, we will work alongside Pascal Hingamp, a biologist from the genomic laboratory of Aix-Marseille University, to classify the different unidentified samples found by studying their DNA sequences. The project will be performed primarily during the Lab Science option for one period a week, and will be led by Stéphane Amilhat, biology teacher in our school.

International School PACA Manosque

Classification of oceanic bacteria based on the comparison of DNA sequences ("Tara oceans" mission)

International School  PACA, Manosque

Teacher leading the project

Stéphane Amilhat

Class : option Lab Sciences (1S / S6)

number of students  : 8

Scientific cooperation

Tara oceans

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Oceanic bacteria

to click on the following link :
organisation and properties of bacteria
The following link gives you information about the organisation and properties of bacteria It also details you the metabolism of oceanic cyanobacteria.
Résultats analyses comparaisons séquence ADN
Début le 8 janvier 2013 Première analyse des séquences d'ADN et des protéines correspondantes. Nous avons choisi les gènes qui codaient pour les plus longues protéines.
File ODT document Result of transcription and translation of DNA sequence (Emilie Chantoin_ Lina Andersson)
We have analyzed a DNA sequence using: We have done a transcription and a translation.
Résultats analyses comparaisons séquence ADN 2
Début le 8 janvier 2013 Première analyse des séquences d'ADN et des protéines correspondantes. Nous avons choisi les gènes qui codaient pour les plus longues protéines.

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The explorators

the students thjat participate to the project
List of students
Surname, name, and photo of eight students that are taking part in the project "From the boat to the lab". These students come from three different classes of school "Ecole internationale PACA de Manosque": Andersson Lina, Chantoin Emilie and Shu Ruri are in the class of S6, Daly Maggie is in S7, and Gauché Laura, Feldmann Anais and Manuel Ruben and Rigaux Tomas are in the class of 1S.

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Séquences TARA analysées

Manuel - Rigaux
Résultat du BLASTp au format FASTA suite au rapport taxonomique
Nous avons gardé tous les résultats correspondant aux "gammaprotéobactéries" et nous avons choisi comme groupes extérieurs les résultats dont le e-value était le plus faible (epsilonproteobactéries, deltaproteobacteries, betaproteobactéries...).
Les protocoles des différentes étapes : site source, réglages, données à extraire, ...
File PDF document Phylogénie de la séquence TARA_7S 3634040

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