International Biodiversity Videoconference, 31 May 2011
Next International Biodiversity Videoconference : Tuesday, June 5th 2012
Last International Biodiversity Videoconference: Thursday, May 31th, 2011
A video and musical resume of the Videoconference (by Cindea, Taïwan)
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Slides Dias |
Country Pais |
School/Escuela |
Project Proyecto |
Teacher Professor |
Link | N |
Students presenting Nombre de los Estudiantes |
HQ | LQ |
Colombia | Barro Blanco Sede Maria Inmaculada, Rionegro-Antioquia |
The living treasure of the Earth is its variety of natural resources and our country has such great variety El tesoro viviente de la tierra es su variedad de recursos naturales y nuestro pais goza de esa gran variedad |
Rocio Rivillas | 34 | Carlos, Alejandra, Camila, Valentina G. Valentina S., Leidy | |
HQ | LQ |
Romania | Colegiul National Gheorghe Lazar, Sibiu |
The Carpathian bear El Oso de los Montes Cárpatos |
Daniela Arghir | Site | 30 | Iulia, Alexandru |
HQ | LQ |
Slovenia | Primary school Preska OŠ Preska, Medvode | The Lynx in Slovenia |
Veronika Bečan Tatjana Gulič |
Maruša, Tjaša | ||
HQ | LQ |
Taïwan | Feng-xi Junior High School, FXM, Kaohsiung, Taïwan | Biodiversity research in wetland | Cindea Hung |
Emma, Gina Julie, Steven |
HQ | LQ |
France | Collège René Bernier, Saint Sébastien/Loire |
Los anfibios del bosque de Touffou The Amphibians in the Touffou forest Les amphibiens de la forêt de Touffou |
Jean-Claude Masson | Site | 29 | Lucie (es), Loana (en), Eloïse and Romane (fr) |
HQ | LQ |
Costa-Rica | Escuela de Cedros, San José |
Efectos de la vegetación en la diversidad de insectos Effects of vegetation on the diversity of insects |
Mayela Montero Cecilia Calderón |
4 | Luz Ariana, Gabriel, Daniel, Gabriela | |
Portugal | Escuela secundaria de Viriato | Some of our birds and mamals in danger | Arminda Malho |
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