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You are here: Home / Bacterial biodiversity / A group of oceanic bacteria (Trichodesmium sp.) that can use dissolved nitrogen

A group of oceanic bacteria (Trichodesmium sp.) that can use dissolved nitrogen

Scientists know a group of cyanobacteria Trichodesmium capable of fixing  atmospheric Nitrogen N2 that is dissolved in water to produce proteins. These cyanobacteria can then live in poor nutrients conditions. A lot of these cyanobacteria can be found in Pacific ocean.

 Trichodesmium sp. Microphotography of Trichodesmium sp.


Food chain in the Pacific Ocean
  Fixation of N2 and  CO2
 Trichodesmium (Phytoplankton)  →  Zooplankton
→ : is eaten by

As they multiply by using N2, these cyanobacteria absorb more CO2 (photosynthesis) : they can reduce the green house effect, and hence regulate the climate.



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